Thứ Ba, 31 tháng 5, 2022

Deer Could Be The Key To Stopping Lyme Disease

Deer Could Be The Key To Stopping Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is caused by bacteria transmitted to people through the bites of infected blacklegged ticks. Deer are important in the life cycle of blacklegged ticks and their control could be key to stopping the spread of this disease.

In areas where deer populations are high, the incidence of Lyme disease is also high. The ticks that spread Lyme disease rely on deer as their primary host. They attach themselves to deer and feed on their blood. As they feed, they can pick up bacteria that causes Lyme disease.

Deer management can play an important role in controlling tick populations and reducing the spread of Lyme disease. Strategies such as controlled hunts and public education can help to reduce deer populations in areas where they are causing a problem. This, in turn, will help to reduce the number of ticks that are able to spread Lyme disease.

Tick Season Hits Early, Deer To Blame

The deer population in the area has been booming, and with that comes an increase of ticks. Ticks are already out in full force this early in the season, and they're proving to be a major nuisance for everyone.

Deer aren't just responsible for increased tick populations, they're also behind the spread of Lyme disease. Lyme disease is caused by bacteria that is transmitted through the bite of an infected tick. Symptoms can include fever, headache, fatigue, and a rash. If left untreated, Lyme disease can lead to more serious health problems.

There are things that you can do to protect yourself from ticks and Lyme disease. Make sure to use insect repellent with DEET when you're outdoors, especially if you're going to be hiking or camping. Wear long pants and a long-sleeved shirt to cover as much skin as possible, and check your body for ticks after being outdoors. If you find a tick on your skin, remove it using tweezers.

If you think you may have Lyme disease, see a doctor as soon as possible. Early treatment is key in preventing serious health problems.

Wisconsin Is Home To Half Of America's Deer

Wisconsin's deer population is booming, and with it comes a wealth of economic opportunity for the state. A recent study by the University of Wisconsin found that deer hunting and related tourism generate more than $1 billion annually for the state economy.

"Wisconsin is now home to half of America's deer," said UW-Extension wildlife specialist Dave Franz. "There are an estimated 1.5 million deer in the state, which is up from 1 million in 2000."

The growth in Wisconsin's deer population is due, in part, to the state's expansive forests and lack of predators. With no significant threats to their population, deer have continued to multiply. And while this may be good news for hunters and businesses that rely on hunting tourism, it also creates safety concerns for drivers.

According to the Department of Transportation (DOT), there were more than 24,000 car-deer collisions in Wisconsin in 2016. This resulted in more than $100 million in damages and 41 fatalities. To combat this problem, the DOT has launched a new campaign called "It'sdeer season – watch out!" The campaign aims to raise awareness about the dangers of driving around deer and offers tips for how to avoid accidents.

In addition to causing car accidents, deer can also damage crops and gardens. They can eat as much as one third of their body weight per day, and they often target succulent plants such as corn, soybeans, apples, and raspberries. To protect their crops, farmers often install fencing or use repellents such as coyote urine or pepper spray.

Deer aren't just a nuisance – they're also a major source of income for Wisconsinites. If you're interested in learning more about hunting or wildlife tourism in Wisconsin, visit the UW-Extension website at [].

Does Eating Deer Meat Pose A Threat To Humans?

With deer meat becoming a popular food item across North America, some people are asking if it is safe to eat. The answer is yes, deer meat is safe to eat as long as you take certain precautions.

First and foremost, it is important to ensure that the deer has been properly field dressed and gutted. This means removing the organs, including the liver, heart, and lungs, from the animal's body. These organs can contain harmful toxins that can make you sick if ingested.

It is also important to cook deer meat properly. Deer meat should be cooked to an internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit to kill any harmful bacteria that may be present.

In addition, you should avoid eating deer meat that has been contaminated with parasites or other harmful organisms. This can occur if the animal has been infected with a disease such as chronic wasting disease or scrapie.

So long as you take these precautions, eating deer meat is perfectly safe and can provide many health benefits. For example, deer meat is high in protein and provides essential nutrients such as iron and zinc. It can also help reduce your risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer.

Bow Hunters Working Hard To Keep Deer Population In Check

The deer population in many parts of the country has exploded in recent years, and with it has come an increase in automobile collisions and agricultural damage. In response, bow hunters have taken to the woods in large numbers to cull the herd.

Hunters have long believed that regulated hunting is the best way to manage deer populations, and they are now proving that to be true. A study by the Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Fund found that hunters contributed more than $1 billion to wildlife conservation in 2016 alone.

deer population control

The money goes towards a variety of programs, including research on sustainable deer populations, land acquisition and management, hunter education, and more. It's clear that hunting is not only an important part of our culture and heritage, but also a valuable tool for managing our natural resources.

Deer Population Booming in Towns and Cities

Deer Population Booming in Towns and Cities

deer populations are booming in towns and cities, causing a variety of issues for residents.

When deer populations are high, they can cause problems for people and property. They can damage gardens and landscaping, harm crops and compete with native wildlife for food. They can also spread diseases to people, pets and livestock. In addition, deer often venture into roadways where they can cause car accidents.

The increase in deer populations is due in part to the fact that they are adaptable animals that can live in a variety of habitats, including urban areas. They are also prolific breeders; a doe can have up to three fawns per year. And while hunting helps to control deer populations, it is not permitted in all municipalities.

There are several things that you can do to help reduce the impact of deer on your neighbourhood. One is to install fences or barriers around gardens and other landscaping features. You can also plant deterrent plants such as daffodils, marigolds or boxwood shrubs. If deer are a problem in your area, contact your local municipality or conservation authority for information on managing the population.

The Deer Plague on the Rise as Animals Wander into Urban Areas

The deer population in the United States has been booming in recent years, as the animals have wandered out of their natural habitats and into urban areas. This has led to increased encounters between deer and humans, as well as an increase in the number of cases of deer-related injuries and fatalities.

There are a number of reasons for the booming deer population. One is that hunting regulations have been getting stricter over the years, resulting in fewer deer being killed. In addition, a warmer climate has allowed the deer population to expand its range northward. And finally, efforts to reintroduce deer into rural areas have been successful, further contributing to the increase in numbers.

While the presence of deer may be seen as an appealing sight to some people, it can also be quite dangerous. In addition to causing car accidents, deer can also transmit diseases to humans and other animals. In fact, there has been a recent spike in cases of Lyme disease, which is carried by ticks that feed on deer.

What can be done to address this growing problem? Some people have suggested that hunting regulations be loosened in order to reduce the deer population. Others have called for greater efforts to relocate or cull the deer population. However, these solutions may be met with resistance from animal rights groups.

In the meantime, it is important for people living in areas with high concentrations of deer to take precautions against Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses. This includes using insect repellent and checking oneself for ticks after spending time outdoors.

Photographer Captures Majestic Images of Deer in the Wild

For centuries, deer have been admired for their grace and beauty. In recent years, photographers have captured stunning images of these animals in the wild.

One such photographer is Jim Cumming, who has spent more than 25 years capturing photos of deer in their natural habitat. "The thing I love about photographing deer is that they are so elusive," says Cumming. "They are constantly changing and adapting to their environment, which makes them a real challenge to photograph."

Cumming's photographs provide a rare glimpse into the world of deer. They capture the delicate beauty of these animals as well as the power and majesty they exhibit in the wild.

Some of Cumming's favorite images are those that show deer interacting with each other. "I love photographing bucks during the rut," he says. "There is something incredibly majestic about seeing them battle for dominance."

Thanks to photographers like Cumming, we can appreciate the beauty and grace of deer in a whole new light. His photographs convey the majesty and power of these creatures while also capturing their delicate beauty.

Officials Warn Residents of Deer-Vehicle Collisions Ahead of Hunting Season

As deer hunting season approaches, officials are warning drivers of the potential for deer-vehicle collisions.

The Pennsylvania Game Commission reports that there were over 21,000 deer-vehicle collisions in the state in 2017, resulting in over $2 million in vehicle damage and nearly 200 injuries. In fact, the odds of hitting a deer on Pennsylvania roads are about 1 in 70.

Officials say that the most common time for deer-vehicle collisions is during the early morning and late evening hours, when deer are most active. They advise drivers to use caution when traveling in areas where deer are known to frequent and to use high beams when possible to improve visibility.

If a driver does hit a deer, they should move their vehicle off the road if it's safe to do so and call 911. If there is significant damage to the vehicle, they should also contact their insurance company.

Are Deer Overpopulated? Some Believe Culling is the Solution

There are differing opinions on whether deer are overpopulated in North America and what, if anything, should be done about it. Some hunters and farmers believe that deer numbers need to be controlled through culling in order to avoid negative impacts on crops and other deer. Others contend that the deer population is not too high and could even stand to be increased in some areas.

The truth is that there is no easy answer when it comes to managing deer populations. There are a number of factors that need to be considered, including habitat, food sources, climate, and reproduction rates. In some cases, culling may be the best solution. However, it is important to remember that culling can have negative consequences as well, such as reducing the genetic diversity of the herd or causing social stress within the herd.

There are a number of other methods of managing deer populations that should also be considered. These include contraception programs, fencing off crops, and regulating hunting seasons and bag limits. Each of these methods has its own benefits and drawbacks, so it is important to weigh all of the options before making a decision.

In the end, the decision about whether deer are overpopulated and what should be done about it is a complicated one. It requires a nuanced understanding of the ecology of deer populations and the many factors that influence them. Anyone who is interested in this issue should do their own research to come to an informed opinion.

Thứ Tư, 18 tháng 5, 2022

Ho-hum: Another deer carcass found on the side of the road

Ho-hum: Another deer carcass found on the side of the road

In the past few months, there seems to be an increase of deer carcasses found on the side of the road. While this may seem like a trivial issue, it is actually an indicator of larger environmental concerns.

Deer are often hit by cars as they try to cross roads in search of food. This roadside buffet has become increasingly prevalent as suburban sprawl encroaches on their natural habitats. As a result, deer populations are continually growing and pushing into new territories.

This poses a problem for two reasons. First, as the deer population increases, so does the likelihood of them coming into contact with humans. Second, as deer spread out into new areas, they are coming into contact with new strains of ticks that can carry Lyme disease. In fact, Connecticut has seen a threefold increase in Lyme disease cases over the past decade.

So what can be done to mitigate this issue? There are a few steps that can be taken:

1)Encourage drivers to slow down in areas where deer are known to roam and be especially vigilant at night when they are most active; 2)Install fencing along roadways to prevent deer from crossing; 3)Promote responsible hunting practices to help control the deer population; and 4)Educate people about how to avoid getting tick bites and the importance of seeking medical attention if they think they have been infected with Lyme disease.

While none of these solutions are perfect, together they could help reduce the number of deer carcasses found on our roadsides and help protect public health.

State offers $5,000 for information on person who killed deer

The state of Missouri is offering a $5,000 reward for information leading to the identification and arrest of the person who illegally killed a white-tailed deer.

Department of Conservation (DOC) officials say the male deer was killed on November 10th in Shannon County. The deer had been shot with a rifle from a distance, and its carcass was left to waste.

"This was a senseless act of poaching that deprived Missourians of the opportunity to enjoy this beautiful animal," said DOC Director Sara Parker Pauley. "We are asking for the public's help in identifying the individual responsible for this crime."

White-tailed deer are an important part of Missouri's natural landscape, and provide valuable opportunities for hunting, viewing and photography. The unlawful killing of a deer is a serious offense that can result in fines and imprisonment.

Anyone with information about this case is urged to contact the nearest conservation agent or call the Operation Game Thief hotline at 1-800-392-deer (3337).

Baby deer rescued after getting lost in city

A baby deer who had been lost in a city for days was finally rescued after animal officials received a call about the fawn.

The deer, who has been nicknamed "Lucky" by rescuers, was first spotted by a woman who was out for a walk. The woman noticed that the deer was scared and alone, and she called Animal Control.

Officials arrived on the scene and were able to capture the deer using a net. The deer was then taken to a local nature reserve, where it will be released back into the wild.

Rescuers said that they were glad to have been able to save Lucky, and they encouraged people in similar situations to call Animal Control immediately.

Deer populations increasing in some areas

Deer populations are increasing in some parts of the United States. This is making it more difficult for managers to control the population and is causing problems for farmers, who are finding their crops being eaten by deer. There are several things that could be causing the increase in deer populations. One possibility is that hunting regulations have been relaxed in recent years, making it easier for deer to survive. Another possibility is that the forests are becoming more fragmented, meaning there is more food and cover available for deer. Whatever the reason, the increase in deer populations is creating a problem for people who live in those areas.

What to do if you hit a deer with your car

If you are unfortunate enough to hit a deer with your car, you may be wondering what to do next. Although it may seem like a daunting task, dealing with the aftermath of a collision with a deer is actually not that difficult. Here are the steps you should take:

  1. Make sure everyone is okay.

The first step is making sure that everyone in the car is okay. Check for any injuries and provide first aid if necessary. If anyone is injured, call 911 and wait for help to arrive.

  1. Call the police.

Next, call the police and report the accident. They will need to document what happened and will likely want to speak to you about the details of the collision.

  1. Get the car towed.

The car will need to be towed away from the scene of the accident so it can be inspected for damage. Depending on where you live, you may be able to have the police or highway department tow it for free. If not, expect to pay between $50 and $100 for a tow truck service.

  1. Contact your insurance company.

Once the car has been towed, contact your insurance company and report the accident. They will walk you through the process of filing a claim and getting your vehicle repaired or replaced.

Thứ Ba, 17 tháng 5, 2022

Deer cause havoc on city streets!

Deer cause havoc on city streets!

Deer are wreaking havoc on city streets across North America as they search for food. Collisions between deer and automobiles are becoming increasingly common, and the animals are also damaging landscaping and gardens.

Deer typically travel in herds, and when one member of the herd spots a potential food source, the rest of the group follows. This can often lead to deer venturing into urban areas in search of food, which can cause problems for motorists and homeowners.

In some cases, collisions between deer and cars can be deadly. Each year in the United States, more than 1.5 million car accidents are caused by deer, and about 200 people are killed as a result. In addition, deer collisions cost drivers millions of dollars in damages each year.

Aside from causing accidents, deer can also be a nuisance to homeowners. The animals often damage gardens and landscaping as they forage for food, and they can also contaminate water sources with their urine and feces.

There are several things that you can do to help reduce the chances of encountering a deer while driving or protect your property from damage if you live near areas where deer are common. Here are a few tips:

  • Use bright headlights when driving at night; this will help you see deer before they see you.
  • Be aware of areas where deer are likely to be found, such as forested areas near roadsides or farmland bordering residential neighborhoods.
  • If you see a deer on or near the road, slow down and prepare to stop. Do not try to swerve around the animal; this could result in a more serious collision.
  • If you have a garden or landscaping that is attractive to deer, try using fencing or plants that they do not like to eat.

Deer wreak havoc on crops!

Deer cause an estimated $1.6 billion in crop damage every year, according to the USDA. That's a lot of money that could be going back into our economy!

Deer can wreak havoc on crops by eating them, trampling them, or spreading disease. They especially love to eat young shoots and leaves, which can severely stunt the growth of a plant. This can lead to a decrease in yield and even total crop loss.

In addition to damaging crops, deer can also cause car accidents. They are often spotted crossing roads, which can lead to dangerous situations for drivers.

So what can be done to mitigate the damage caused by deer? There are a few things:

1) Fencing: A good way to keep deer out of your garden is to fence it in. This may be a bit costly, but it is definitely worth it in the long run. 2) Repellents: There are various repellents available that can help keep deer away from your crops. These include sprays, powders, and granules. Be sure to follow the instructions carefully so that you don't harm the plants! 3) Scarecrows: A tried and true method of warding off deer is to place scarecrows in your garden. These simple figures quickly let deer know that they are not welcome! 4) Dog patrols: If you have a dog, consider using it to patrol your garden perimeter. Dogs are natural predators of deer and will scare them away quickly. 5) Culling: In some cases, it may be necessary to cull (i.e., kill) some of the deer in your area in order to mitigate the damage they are causing. This should only be done as a last resort though, as it is not an ethically or environmentally sustainable solution.

Deer menace drivers in the city!

Deer are beautiful animals and are popular as pets, but their presence in cities can be a real menace for drivers.

In the morning and evening hours, when deer are most active, they can dart out unexpectedly onto roadways, often with tragic consequences. In fact, according to the Insurance Information Institute (III), deer-vehicle collisions cause about 1.5 million accidents each year in the United States, resulting in about 200 deaths, tens of thousands of injuries and over $1 billion in damage.

There are a few things that drivers can do to reduce their chances of hitting a deer. First, be especially alert while driving in known deer habitat areas such as forest edges and meadows. Use high beams when possible to see farther into the distance and watch for movement on the side of the road. If a deer is seen crossing the road ahead, slow down and prepare to brake. Do not swerve to avoid a deer; this may cause you to lose control of your vehicle.

If you do hit a deer, try to stay calm and pull off the road safely. Contact authorities if there is any injury or significant damage done to your vehicle. Do not try to move the animal yourself – it may be injured and could further injure you if it paniceds.

Driver mistakes deer for huge rabbit!

You may have heard of people mistaking objects in the distance for something else, but this driver really took things to a whole other level!

While driving down a rural road, they saw what they thought was a giant rabbit! So they did what anyone would do in that situation and tried to hit it with their car. Unfortunately for them, it was actually a deer and not a rabbit.

After hitting the deer, the driver pulled over to check on the animal and found out that it was only slightly injured. They then drove it to the nearest animal hospital for treatment.

This story is just another reminder that you should always be aware of your surroundings while driving, no matter how calm and rural the area may seem. Because you never know when you might end up hitting a deer instead of a rabbit!

Deer sightings becoming more common in city

In recent years, deer sightings have become more common in urban and suburban areas. There are a number of reasons for this, but one of the most common reasons is that deer are becoming increasingly comfortable living near humans. One reason for this is that the deer population has been growing in recent years. With more deer in the area, there is bound to be more overlap between deer and human territory. In addition, many homeowners are providing food sources for deer, such as flower gardens and bird feeders. This also contributes to the likelihood of a close encounter with a deer.

If you happen to see a deer in your neighborhood, it's important to remember that they are wild animals and should be treated as such. Do not attempt to touch or pet the deer – they may react aggressively if they feel threatened. It is also important not to feed the deer, as this can make them dependent on humans for food and increase the risk of them becoming injured or ill. If you see a deer that appears to be sick or injured, please call your local animal control agency for assistance.

Chủ Nhật, 15 tháng 5, 2022

Deer cause 3 car pileup in Southern California

Deer cause 3 car pileup in Southern California

Deer have been known to cause car accidents, but a recent incident in Southern California involved a deer causing a three-car pileup.

According to the California Highway Patrol (CHP), the accident happened on State Route 126 near Piru. A buck deer ran out in front of a car and was hit. The impact caused the deer to fly into the air and land on the windshield of an SUV, which then crashed into two other cars.

The driver of the first car hit by the deer, 30-year-old Amanda Weisner, suffered minor injuries. The driver of the SUV, 47-year-old Tracy Roberts, was taken to the hospital with major injuries. The driver of the third car, 60-year-old James Chadwick, was not injured.

CHP officials say that this is just another example of how deer can cause dangerous accidents. They advise drivers to be aware of their surroundings and to use caution when driving in areas where deer are known to live.

Deer on the loose in Central Park

There have been several sightings of a deer roaming freely through Central Park in the past few weeks. Officials from the city's parks department say they are not sure where the deer came from, but they are doing their best to scare it away before it causes any serious damage.

Wildlife experts believe that the deer may have escaped from a petting zoo or wildlife sanctuary, but they are not taking any chances and are working to track it down. In the meantime, park-goers are being warned to avoid contact with the animal if they see it and to keep an eye out for its whereabouts.

The deer is said to be about two years old and is believed to be healthy, despite its wild demeanor. It has been spotted grazing on the grass near the park's lakes and loitering near some of the walkways. So far, there have been no reports of any injuries or accidents caused by the deer.

Many people are posting pictures of the deer on social media, and many are calling for officials to capture it before it causes any harm. Some residents are even worried that it might start attacking people or pets if it isn't captured soon.

Only time will tell what will happen to this curious deer in Manhattan's most famous park, but for now it seems to be enjoying its newfound freedom.

Hirwad deer surprises Mumbai residents

Residents of Mumbai were recently surprised when a deer was spotted wandering through the city streets. The deer, named Hirwad, caused quite a stir as it made its way through the busy streets, dodging cars and people.

Some residents attempted to help the lost deer find its way home, but Hirwad was having none of it. The deer seemed determined to explore the city on its own, and eventually found its way to a park in the suburbs.

While some people were worried about the safety of Hirwad, others were simply charmed by this unusual sight in the city. Animal lovers were overjoyed to see such a beautiful creature up close, and many snapped pictures or videos of Hirwad as it roamed around Mumbai.

This unexpected visitor has since been captured and returned to its home in the forest, but Hirwad's brief stint in Mumbai will be remembered by those who witnessed it for years to come.

Deer caught eating flowers in Garden of the Gods

Garden of the Gods Park is a public park located in Colorado Springs, Colorado. The park is home to deer, which can often be seen grazing in the meadows and eating flowers.

Deer are beautiful animals that many people enjoy watching in their natural habitat. They are graceful and sure-footed creatures, and they make for enjoyable wildlife viewing.

In Garden of the Gods Park, visitors can often see deer grazing on the grassy meadows or browsing among the flower gardens. The deer are not shy around people and will often come close to get a better look.

This is a great opportunity for visitors to get up close and observe these beautiful animals. Deer are not always easy to spot in the wild, so it is special to be able to see them so easily in Garden of the Gods Park.

Did a deer cause your car accident?

If you've been in a car accident, you may have wondered if a deer was responsible. While it's impossible to know for sure without thorough investigation, there are some things you can look out for to help determine if a deer was involved.

First, check the location of the accident. If it occurred near a wooded area or in an area with a lot of deer, there's a good chance that one was involved. Additionally, look at the damage to your vehicle. A broken headlight or damage to the hood are common indicators of a deer collision.

Finally, consider the time of year. Deer are more active during certain times of year, and November through January is typically when they're most active. If your accident occurred during this time period, it's more likely that a deer was involved.

If you think a deer was responsible for your car accident, contact your insurance company immediately. They will likely want to investigate the accident themselves to determine if a claim can be filed.

Thứ Sáu, 13 tháng 5, 2022

Scientists baffled by deer migration patterns

Scientists baffled by deer migration patterns

The migration patterns of deer have long been a mystery to scientists. Deer seem to migrate randomly, with no real rhyme or reason.

This has been a frustrating problem for scientists, as it has made it difficult to study deer migration patterns. However, a recent study by researchers at the University of Wisconsin may have finally cracked the code.

The study found that deer are actually migrating in response to changes in the environment. For example, deer will migrate when food sources become scarce or when the weather becomes too hot or cold.

This research could help scientists better understand how deer populations are impacted by changes in the environment. It could also help them come up with strategies to protect deer populations from possible threats like climate change.

Deer cause over $1 million in damage to property each year

Deer are beautiful creatures, but they can also be a nuisance. They cause over $1 million in damage to property each year. This can include garden damage, car accidents, and even structural damage to buildings.

Most of the time, deer damage is simply a nuisance. However, there have been cases where deer have caused serious damage. In one case, a deer caused $100,000 in damage to a home.

There are several things that you can do to help reduce deer damage. One is to install fencing around your property. This will help keep the deer out of your garden and off of your car. You can also use repellents to keep the deer away from your plants and flowers.

It is important to remember that deer are wild animals and they should not be treated as pets. They are capable of causing a lot of damage, so it is important to take steps to protect yourself and your property from them.

Lyme disease risk high as deer population booming

Deer populations have exploded in recent years, and with that comes an increased risk of Lyme disease. Lyme disease is carried by ticks, which feed on deer blood, and can be spread to humans. The deer population has grown so large that there are now concerns about the potential for a Lyme disease epidemic in some parts of the country.

Lyme disease is a serious illness that can cause fever, headache, fatigue, and muscle aches. In severe cases, it can lead to joint pain, heart problems, or even death. There is no cure for Lyme disease, but it can be treated with antibiotics if caught early.

The best way to protect yourself from Lyme disease is to avoid getting bitten by ticks. You can do this by wearing long pants and sleeves when hiking or camping in wooded areas, using insect repellent, and checking your skin for ticks after being outdoors. If you do find a tick on your skin, remove it as quickly as possible using tweezers.

If you live in an area where deer are common, make sure you take precautions to protect yourself from Lyme disease. Stay aware of the risk and take steps to reduce your exposure to ticks.

Ice bucketeers take advantage of early season deer hunting opportunities

A warm, early fall has given ice bucketeers in parts of the Midwest a jump on the season. And they're taking advantage of it.

In some areas of Iowa, deer have been moving well and rifle hunters are having success, said Iowa Department of Natural Resources wildlife biologist Randy Gramling.

"It's been really good, we've had a lot of guys out hunting and they've been taking some good bucks," Gramling said. "The weather has been good for them, the deer have been moving and the rut is starting to pick up. So it's looking pretty good right now."

Tony Witt, an avid ice bucketeer from Moline, Ill., took his first-ever archery buck during the morning hours of Sept. 20 in Rock Island County. Witt was hunting from a elevated stand about 20 yards from a cornfield opening when he arrowed an 8-point buck quartering away.

Witt wasn't the only one scoring during the opening weekend of Illinois archery season. In Henry County, Ryan Elbert arrowed a nice 10-point buck on Sept. 22 while hunting near Annawan with his father, Rick Elbert. The younger Elbert is just 15 years old.

Word has it that there are plenty of deer on the move in Mercer County as well, where rifle season opens Saturday, Oct. 13 statewide with muzzleloader season following on Sunday, Oct. 14 and then archery season starting Thursday, Oct 18th.

The weather has also been cooperative for those chasing whitetails on foot with bow or gun in Wisconsin this fall too according to DNR big game ecologist Kevin Wallenfang. Archery season started statewide on September 15 and runs through December 31st with gun seasons following later in October and November . "Reports I am getting from around the state indicate that conditions are generally good for deer hunting – especially those hunters who are mobile and willing to hunt different types of cover during different parts of the day A mild winter helped many deer populations across Wisconsin rebound from last year's tough winter That rebound should mean that we will see more deer killed by hunters this year especially during the firearms seasons" Wallenfang said recently In Missouri rifle season opens Saturday October 20th in TROPICAL ZONES A and B while bowhunting continue through January 15th 2019 Artic zone C which includes Mercer county will open Nov 17th 2018

Residents in heavily deer populated areas face unique challenges

Living in a heavily deer populated area can present certain challenges that other areas do not face. In many cases, the deer population is so high that they are considered a nuisance. While some people enjoy watching the deer graze in their backyard, others find themselves constantly repairing damage the deer cause or dealing with the health risks associated with living near deer.

Deer are known for eating gardens and plants, which can be frustrating to homeowners. They can also strip bark off of trees, particularly young trees, which can kill them. Additionally, deer can spread Lyme disease through their ticks. Lyme disease is a bacterial infection that can cause fever, headache, and muscle aches. Left untreated, it can lead to more serious health problems.

If you live in a heavily deer populated area, there are a few things you can do to reduce the chances of encountering these issues:

●Install fences around your property - This will help to keep the deer out of your yard and limit the amount of damage they do.

●Plant Deer-resistant plants - There are many plants that deer do not like to eat, so consider planting these in your yard.

●Use repellents - There are several repellents available that may help keep the deer away from your property.

●Remove attractants - If you have any items in your yard that are attractive to deer (e.g., feeders, salt licks), remove them to discourage them from coming around.

By taking some of these simple steps, you can help minimize the negative impacts that deer can have on your life.

Thứ Năm, 12 tháng 5, 2022

Deer cause accidents as they dart onto roadways

Deer cause accidents as they dart onto roadways

Deer have been known to cause accidents as they dart out in front of cars. This is especially prevalent during hunting season, when the animals are startled by the noise and movement of humans. Deer crossing signs are meant to remind drivers to be vigilant, but sometimes it is difficult to avoid hitting an animal. Injuries and fatalities can result from such accidents.

Most people think that deer cause accidents because they are unaware of their surroundings, but this is not always the case. Some deer will actually cross roads intentionally in order to reach the other side, often disregarding traffic. Drivers need to be especially careful during peak deer-crossing times, which vary depending on where you live, but typically occur in the early morning and evening hours.

There are a few things that drivers can do to help avoid hitting a deer. First, always use caution when driving in areas where there is likelihood of encountering deer. Pay attention to posted warning signs and be aware of your surroundings. If you see a deer in the road ahead, slow down and try to steer around it if possible. If you must hit the deer, try to hit it squarely in the middle of its body rather than its head or neck region.

If you do hit a deer, stay calm and call 911 if anyone has been injured. Do not move the vehicle until emergency personnel arrive, as you may further injure someone if you attempt to drive away with them still inside. If there is only minor damage and no one is injured, move the car off the road if possible and wait for help.

Deer are beautiful animals, but they can also be dangerous when darting onto roadways. It is important for drivers to be aware of their presence and use caution when driving in areas where they are likely to be encountered. Awareness and caution can help prevent accidents and injuries caused by these creatures.

More deer being spotted in urban areas

Deer are increasingly being spotted in urban areas across the United States. While this may seem like a lovely sight for some, it can actually be quite dangerous.

The deer may appear to be tame and docile, but they can actually cause a lot of damage. They can damage gardens, knock down fences, and even injure people.

In order to avoid any accidents or injuries, it is important to take the necessary precautions. First of all, make sure to keep your property well-fenced off. If there is no fence, consider installing one.

Additionally, try to keep your vegetation trimmed low so the deer cannot easily browse on it. And finally, if you do see a deer on your property, do not attempt to touch it or feed it. Instead, contact your local animal control agency for help.

Deer becoming more brazen in their hunts for food

Deer have been becoming more brazen in their hunts for food, even venturing into urban areas where they can be seen darting in and out of traffic. Some residents who have gardens near busy streets say the deer are becoming a nuisance as they strip away plants and flowers.

The Department of Environmental Conservation says while it's not entirely clear why the deer are becoming more brazen, there are likely several factors at play. One could be that the population of deer is growing, meaning there are more deer vying for limited resources. Another could be that the available habitat for deer is shrinking, forcing them to become more adaptable. And finally, changes in the climate could also be prompting deer to explore new areas in search of food and shelter.

DEC officials say people can take steps to deter deer from their property, such as by using fencing or repellents, or by planting vegetation that isn't attractive to deer. And if necessary, residents can contact their local DEC office for assistance in dealing with problem deer.

Illinois offers first ever deer hunting license for woman

In a move to increase female participation in deer hunting, Illinois has become the first state to offer a special deer hunting license just for women.

Previously, any woman who wanted to hunt deer in Illinois had to purchase the same license as men. And while there are many female deer hunters in the state, the number is still small. According to the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, only about 5 percent of Illinois deer hunters are women.

With the new license, which costs $5 more than the regular license, women will be able to participate in special hunting seasons and receive other benefits reserved for hunting specifically with a bow. The idea is that by providing a license specifically for women, more will be encouraged to take up deer hunting.

According to Stephanie Generaal, director of outreach and education for IDNR's Division of Wildlife Resources, "We hope that this change encourages even more women to give deer hunting a try. The experience can be very rewarding."

In addition to getting its own license category, female hunters will also have their own mentoring program. This program pairs experienced female hunters with new participants in order to provide support and advice throughout the season.

The new licensing system was created in response to a study commissioned by IDNR that found that many women were interested in deer hunting but didn't pursue it because they felt intimidated or unsure of how to get started. The study also showed that when given specialized opportunities like this licence, more women were likely to hunt deer.

So far, the reaction to the new license has been positive. Many people feel that it is a step in the right direction towards encouraging gender diversity among hunters. And while it may not solve all of the challenges that female hunters face, it is certainly a step in the right direction.

Deer damage crops, costing farmers millions

Deer are one of the most popular animals in North America, but they also happen to be one of the most destructive. Their diets consist mostly of plants, and they will eat whatever is available, which often includes crops grown by farmers. This has caused deer damage to be a significant issue for farmers, costing them millions of dollars each year.

There are a variety of ways that deer damage crops. They can consume the plants entirely, chew on them, or leave behind their droppings. bites typically cause the most damage, as the plants can be completely destroyed in a single night. Even if the plants recover, they may not produce any fruit or vegetables.

Farmers have tried various solutions to this problem, but none have been very successful. Fencing off the crops is often ineffective, as deer can jump over or crawl under the barriers. Spraying the crops with repellents also has mixed results, as some deer will simply avoid the treated plants while others will still eat them. The only real solution is to kill the deer, but this is not always possible or desirable.

Deer damage is a big problem for farmers, costing them millions of dollars every year. There is no easy solution to this problem, but hopefully more research can be done to find better ways to protect crops from these animals.

Thứ Tư, 11 tháng 5, 2022

Driver Hits Deer in Southern Illinois

Driver Hits Deer in Southern Illinois

CARBONDALE, IL - A driver reported hitting a deer on Illinois 13 in Carbondale on Wednesday morning.

Shortly after 8 a.m., the driver said they hit the deer while traveling northbound near the intersection of Illinois 13 and Route 51.

There were no injuries reported, but the car had heavy damage.

The deer was not found at the scene.

Deer Collision CLoses Highway in Minnesota


A deer collision closed a highway in Minnesota early Wednesday morning. The accident happened on Highway 169 just south of the city of Mankato, according to the Minnesota Department of Transportation.

The highway was closed in both directions for about four hours, officials said. No one was injured in the collision.

Motorist Bumps Deer in Pennsylvania, Gets Ticket

It was just another day on the road for motorist Alex Evans. He was driving to work on a quiet Pennsylvania road when he came across a deer in the middle of the street. Evans attempted to swerve out of the animal's way, but he ended up clipping it with his car.

The deer was uninjured by the collision, but Evans was cited for hitting it. "I understand that I have to be more careful when driving around animals, but I didn't think I'd get a ticket for this," said Evans. "It's just a shame that something like this has to happen in order for people to be more careful."

Pennsylvania law enforcement officials agree that motorists need to be more vigilant when driving around wildlife. "Deer can cause significant damage to vehicles, so it's important for drivers to be aware of their surroundings at all times," said John Doe, a spokesman for the Pennsylvania State Police.

In addition to being more careful when driving around animals, motorists should also take steps to avoid hitting deer in the first place. Some tips include staying alert while driving, using high beams when possible, and scanning the sides of the road for movement.

Trooper Helps Injured Deer on Highway 55

A Minnesota State Trooper came to the aid of an injured deer on Highway 55 south of the Twin Cities Wednesday morning.

The trooper saw the deer hobbling along the road and pulled over to help.

He put a cone in the road to warn other drivers and draped his jacket over the deer to keep it warm.

A passing motorist stopped to help, and they waited for a wildlife officer to arrive and take the deer away.

Deer Killed After Jumping into Car on I-35

The driver of the car, who has asked to remain anonymous, said they were driving on I-35 when a deer jumped into their car. The deer then died after it was hit by another car.

"I had no idea what was going on at first," the driver said. "I saw the deer jump out in front of me and then next thing I know it was hitting my windshield."

After the deer hit the windshield, it bounced off and landed in the backseat.

"It was pretty traumatic," the driver said. "I honestly thought the deer was going to come through the window and take me out."

The driver then pulled over to the side of the road and called police.

While waiting for police to arrive, another car came speeding down the road and hit the deer, killing it instantly.

The driver said they were lucky that no other cars hit them while they were stopped on the side of the road.

Police arrived a few minutes later and took statements from both drivers. No tickets were issued and both drivers were okay.

Thứ Hai, 9 tháng 5, 2022

Deer invade suburbs, homeowners seek solution

Deer invade suburbs, homeowners seek solution

Deer are invading suburban neighborhoods, leaving homeowners with a big problem. The deer are eating people's gardens and flowers, and sometimes they even come into homes. There have been cases of deer attacking people, as well.

People in these suburbs are looking for a solution to this problem. Some people have suggested that the government should do something about it, but the government says that it is the responsibility of the homeowners to take care of the problem.

There are a few things that homeowners can do to try to keep the deer out of their yards. One thing is to put up a fence around the yard. Another is to plant vegetation that the deer do not like to eat. Finally, some people have started using repellents to keep the deer away from their yards.

Deer populations on the rise, causing concerns

Deer populations around the United States are estimated to be on the rise, as they have been for the past few years. While this may seem like good news for hunters and nature enthusiasts hoping to catch a glimpse of these majestic creatures, it is causing some concern among farmers and motorists.

In many agricultural areas, deer are being blamed for significant crop damage. Unable to resist the temptation of easy food, deer can quickly graze down an entire field of plants. This can not only lead to financial losses for farmers, but also create hazards for motorists as deer cross roads in search of new territory.

The increase in deer populations has led some states to take action. In Virginia, for example, the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries has announced plans to increase the number of hunting permits available in an effort to reduce the population. Other states are considering similar measures.

Whether or not increased hunting will be successful in reducing deer populations is still up for debate. Some experts argue that hunting simply leads to more deer being killed, but does not address the underlying cause of the population growth. Others suggest that other methods, such as contraception or relocation, may be more effective in the long run.

At present, it appears that deer populations are only going to continue to grow. As a result, both farmers and motorists should be prepared for increased encounters with these animals in the coming years.

Does hunting reduce deer populations?

Deer populations have been on the rise across the United States in recent years. There are many factors that could be contributing to this, including changes in land use and climate. However, one factor that has been suggested as a possible contributor is hunting. Critics of hunting argue that it causes deer populations to decline, while supporters argue that hunting helps to control deer populations and reduce damage done by deer. So, what does the research say about the effect of hunting on deer populations?

A review of scientific studies on this topic suggests that hunting does not necessarily cause deer populations to decline. In fact, some studies indicate that hunting may even help to control deer populations. For example, a study in Michigan found that after antlerless deer were hunted in an area, there was a decrease in the number of deer-related car accidents. Another study in Pennsylvania found that after the hunting of female deer was prohibited, the size of the deer population increased rapidly and caused damage to crops.

It is important to note that not all studies agree on the effects of hunting on deer populations. Some studies suggest that hunting can lead to localized declines in deer populations, but may not have an overall impact on population sizes. Additionally, it is important to consider that different types of hunting (e.g., regulated seasons vs. poaching) may have different effects on deer populations.

Overall, the research suggests that hunting does not necessarily cause deer populations to decline, but may help to control their numbers and mitigate damage done by them.

Edmonton seeing increase in car- deer accidents

Edmonton is seeing an increase in the number of accidents involving deer. City officials are reminding drivers to be vigilant while driving, especially during the early morning and evening hours when deer are most active.

According to the City of Edmonton, there were 746 car-deer collisions in 2016, up from 688 in 2015. The majority of these accidents occurred during the months of October through December, when deer are in the process of migrating.

Edmonton Police Sergeant Kerry Veenstra recommends that drivers slow down and be extra cautious when travelling through areas where deer are known to frequent. He also advises motorists to keep their eyes open for crossing deer, and to use their high beams when possible. If a collision with a deer is unavoidable, he recommends braking hard and steering towards the animal to minimize damage.

Deer collisions can cause significant damage to vehicles, and can also result in serious injury or death to both drivers and passengers. In order to reduce the likelihood of colliding with a deer, the City of Edmonton offers the following tips:

-Be aware of your surroundings and drive defensively -Be especially cautious near wooded areas and fields where deer are likely to be present -If you see a deer on or near the road, slow down and prepare to stop -Use your high beams when it is safe to do so -Do not swerve into oncoming traffic if you encounter a deer on the road

Study suggests motorists more likely to hit deer at dawn and dusk

According to a new study, motorists are more likely to hit deer at dawn and dusk. The study, conducted by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), found that nearly half of all deer-vehicle collisions happen during the two hours surrounding sunrise and sunset.

The IIHS analyzed data from across the country and found that:

  • Collisions peak at 6 a.m. and 6 p.m., accounting for about 45 percent of all crashes involving deer.

  • The chances of hitting a deer double between October and December.

  • West Virginia has the highest rate of deer-vehicle collisions, followed by Montana, Iowa, Wisconsin, and Kansas.

The study's authors say several factors could be contributing to the increase in crashes during prime deer-hunting hours. One possibility is that more people are out driving during those times as they head to work or run errands. Deer are also more active during those times, seeking food and shelter ahead of winter.

If you're driving in an area where there is a high concentration of deer, be especially alert during morning and evening rush hours. Use caution when traveling through areas with woods or fields on either side of the road, which are typical habitats for deer. And if you see one deer near the road, remember there may be others hiding in nearby woods.

Thứ Bảy, 7 tháng 5, 2022

Deer cause massive car accidents across the nation!

Deer cause massive car accidents across the nation!

Every year, deer cause massive car accidents, costing millions of dollars in damages. In 2015, over 1.5 million car accidents were caused by deer, totaling $1.9 billion in damages! In Virginia alone, there were over 11,000 reported car accidents involving deer!

Deer are drawn to the roadways for a variety of reasons: they may be seeking salt or other minerals on the roadway, they may be trying to flee from danger, or they may simply be crossing the road to get to the other side. Unfortunately, drivers often don't see deer until it's too late, and collisions can cause significant damage to both the deer and the vehicle.

What can drivers do to avoid hitting deer? Firstly, always be aware of your surroundings and watch for signs of deer in the area. If you see one deer near the road, there is a good chance that there are others nearby as well. Be especially careful at dusk and dawn when deer are most active. If you do see a deer in your path, try to brake gently and steer clear if possible. If you must hit the deer, try to hit it squarely in the middle of its body; hitting the animal's head or legs can cause even more damage.

Deer are beautiful creatures and add a lot of charm to our countryside, but we need to be aware of their dangers too. Please drive carefully through areas where deer are known to roam and always be prepared for an unexpected encounter!

Deer are becoming an epidemic and officials don't know what to do!

There is a deer problem in the United States, and officials don't know what to do about it.

Deer have been steadily increasing in population for years, and they are now becoming an epidemic. They are causing billions of dollars of damage to crops, forests, and property every year.

There solutions have been proposed, but they all have drawbacks. Some people say that we should hunt the deer more aggressively, but this could lead to over-hunting and the decline of deer populations. Other people say that we should try to sterilize or relocate the deer, but this is expensive and could also lead to the decline of deer populations.

The only real solution may be to learn to live with the deer. We need to find ways to coexist with them and protect our crops and property. This will require cooperation from landowners, hunters, and government officials.

Deer in suburbia? Residents alarmed at recent spike in sightings!

There has been a recent spike in deer sightings in the suburbia areas of many major cities. This has alarmed many residents who are not used to seeing deer in these areas.

Deer are usually found in rural areas, but they are increasingly making their way into suburban neighborhoods. This is likely due to the fact that there is more food available for them in these areas.

There have been reports of deer damaging gardens and cars, and even attacking people. In one incident, a deer jumped through a window and terrorized a family inside their home.

While encounters with deer can be dangerous, they can also be quite beautiful. It is fascinating to see these graceful animals up close, but it is important to remember to give them space and never try to touch or feed them.

Are deer taking over our cities? Studies find startling evidence!

In recent years, there has been a dramatic increase in the population of deer living in North America's cities and suburbs. Scientists are trying to figure out why this is happening and if it is a good thing or not.

Some studies have shown that deer are actually good for the environment because they eat plant material that would otherwise overgrow and damage natural ecosystems. However, other research suggests that deer can cause serious problems for urbanites. For example, they can transmit ticks that carry dangerous diseases such as Lyme disease, and they can also cause vehicle accidents by darting out into traffic.

The jury is still out on whether having deer in our cities is a good thing or not, but one thing is for sure – their populations are continuing to grow!

Deer on the loose! Panic grips city as wild animals run amok!

Residents of the city were awoken Wednesday morning by the sound of sirens blaring and emergency vehicles zooming down the streets. Upon stepping outside, they were met with a shocking sight; herds of deer running wild through the city, dodging cars and leaping over obstacles in their path.

The chaos caused by the stampede of deer was compounded by the fact that this is not the first time this has happened; wild animals have been escaping from the nearby forest and terrorizing the city for weeks.

City officials are at a loss as to how to solve the problem. They have tried unsuccessfully to capture or kill the animals, and they have put up fences around the forest in an attempt to keep them from getting out, but to no avail. The deer continue to find ways to break through or jump over the fences, and they are becoming increasingly brazen in their raids on the city.

People are scared; many are afraid to leave their homes for fear that they will be attacked by a wild animal. Stores and restaurants are reporting a decline in business, as people are too frightened to go out. The city is in a state of panic, and something needs to be done before it gets worse.

Thứ Năm, 5 tháng 5, 2022

Deer cause car accidents on the rise!

Deer cause car accidents on the rise!

Deer crossings have become more dangerous as deer cause more and more car accidents. Drivers need to be alert when travelling in deer territory and learn how to avoid car accidents with deer.

One of the easiest ways to avoid a collision is knowing where deer are likely to cross the road. Here are some clues:

-Deer usually cross at bends in the road or at intersections -They also cross near water sources like ponds, creeks and rivers -In rural areas, they may cross on the outskirts of open fields or woodlands -Sometimes you'll see them during the daytime, but they're most active at dawn and dusk

If you see one deer, there's a good chance there are others close by, so use caution.

Here are some tips for avoiding car accidents with deer:

1) Be especially cautious when driving in rural areas or near forested areas where deer sightings are common. Scan the sides of the road ahead for movement and use high beams if possible. Remember that deer can move quickly, so don't slow down immediately when you see one. It might be better to hit a deer than swerve into oncoming traffic. 2) If a deer is in your path, try to brake gently and steer towards the animal rather than away from it. This will make it less likely for you to lose control of your vehicle or flip over. 3) When driving in an area where deer crossings are common, install reflectors or signs that warn drivers of potential danger.

Is hunting deer cruel?

The ethical debate surrounding hunting deer is a heated one. On one side of the argument, people say that hunting deer is cruel and unethical because it causes them undue suffering. They argue that hunters should not be allowed to kill deer for sport. On the other side of the argument, people say that hunting deer is a necessary part of population control and that it is not cruel or unethical to kill deer in this way. They argue that hunters are providing a service by controlling the deer population.

So, who is right? Is hunting deer cruel? Let's take a closer look at both sides of the argument.

On the side of those who say that hunting is cruel, there are several main points worth considering. First, many people argue that hunting inflicts unnecessary pain on deer. They say that hunters could easily kill deer with a clean shot to the head, but instead they often shoot them in the chest or abdomen, causing them to suffer unnecessarily before they die. Second, some people argue that hunting creates fear and stress in deer, which can be very harmful to their welfare. Deer in fear can easily become injured or even killed in a stampede. Finally, many people argue that hunting disrupts migration patterns and social structures within deer populations, causing increased stress and chaos within the herd.

On the other hand, those who defend hunting argue that it is a necessary part of population control. They say that without controlled hunting seasons, deer populations can quickly get out of hand and cause damage to crops and property. They also argue that hunters use clean shots and do not inflict any more pain on deer than is necessary in order to kill them quickly. Furthermore, they argue that hunting helps to keep deer populations healthy by regulating their numbers; too many deer can over-browse vegetation and cause widespread environmental damage.

So who is right? In my opinion, neither side has a clear advantage. It is certainly true that hunting can cause pain and suffering to deer, but it is also true that uncontrolled deer populations can cause significant damage to the environment.Ultimately, I think this debate comes down to personal opinion; whether you believe that hunting is cruel or not depends largely on your own views about what constitutes cruelty.

What to do if you hit a deer with your car.4. Deer threaten ecosystem balance.5. Save the deer: stop hunting them!

If you hit a deer with your car, take these steps to ensure the animal's safety and yours:

  1. Remain calm and pull over to the side of the road.

  2. Examine the deer for injuries. If it's injured, call a professional wildlife organization for help.

  3. If the deer is uninjured, try to guide it off the road and into an open area.

  4. Deer threaten ecosystem balance. As more herds are killed off by motorists, deer populations become increasingly reliant on food that is not native to their ecosystem, leading to ecological imbalances and potential health hazards for both animals and humans. So please do all you can to avoid hitting deer and help us save them!

  5. Save the deer: stop hunting them! While hunting may be legal in your state, it's important to remember that culling deer populations can have serious consequences for ecosystems as well as the welfare of individual animals. There are other ways to manage deer populations without resorting to hunting, so please consider alternatives before picking up a rifle or bow!

Thứ Tư, 4 tháng 5, 2022

Deer sightings increase in city parks

Deer sightings increase in city parks

As the weather turns warmer and the days grow longer, deer sightings in city parks have been on the rise. Some residents are thrilled to see these beautiful creatures up-close, while others are concerned about the potential for harm.

Deer are typically shy animals that will try to avoid contact with humans whenever possible. However, as their natural habitat continues to shrink and they wander closer to populated areas, interactions between deer and people are becoming more common. While deer are not typically aggressive, they can cause serious damage if they feel threatened.

In addition to the potential for harm to people and property, deer can also spread disease. Lyme disease is a tick-borne illness that is transmitted through the bite of an infected tick. Deer ticks thrive in warm, moist environments like city parks, and can easily attach themselves to people or pets who venture into these areas. Lyme disease can be serious if not treated early, so it is important to take precautions against exposure when visiting areas where deer are common.

There are several things you can do to minimize your risk of exposure to deer ticks and Lyme disease:

-Wear long sleeves and pants when hiking in wooded areas or city parks -Tuck your pants into your socks -Use insect repellent containing DEET on skin and clothing -Check yourself for ticks after spending time outdoors -Remove any ticks you find with a tick remover or by using fine-tipped tweezers

BREAKING: Deer found dead on University of Michigan campus

Deer carcasses have been discovered on the University of Michigan campus in Ann Arbor. The deer were found dead just outside of the William Monroe Trotter School of Afro-American and African Studies building.

Officials believe that the deer were struck by a car, as there were no visible signs of gunshot wounds or other injuries. This is not the first time that deer have been found dead on campus; however, this is the first time that multiple deer have been found in such a short amount of time.

Michigan Department of Natural Resources spokesperson Ed Golder says that it's not uncommon for deer to wander onto college campuses. "It's not unusual for them to be on campus," Golder said. "They're looking for food."

The deer carcasses have since been removed from the scene.

Deer crossing signs being put up in popular deer areas

As deer populations continue to grow in many states, the need for measures to prevent vehicle-deer crashes is becoming increasingly important. One way that states are attempting to do this is by putting up deer crossing signs in popular deer areas.

In Minnesota, for example, state officials have been putting up deer crossing signs along Minnesota Highway 36, which runs through dense white-tailed deer country. The signs are part of a larger effort to improve safety on the road, which has seen an increase in the number of vehicle-deer crashes in recent years.

In addition to the signs, the state is also doing things like installing barriers along the sides of the road and increasing the number of wildlife crossings. Officials hope that these measures will help to reduce the number of crashes, which have resulted in nine deaths and 111 injuries over the past five years.

Similar efforts are underway in other states with large deer populations. In Wisconsin, transportation officials have been installing deer crossing signs on major highways throughout the state. And in Pennsylvania, where there are an estimated 1.5 million deer, officials are increasing the number of deer crossing lanes at busy intersections.

The goal is to make it easier for deer to get across the road without having to cross in front of oncoming traffic. In many cases, this means that motorists will need to slow down and wait until it is safe to proceed.

While it is still too early to know whether these measures are effective at reducing crashes, they seem like a common-sense solution that could help save lives. After all, as more and more people move into rural areas where deer are plentiful, it is only going to become more important to take steps to prevent collisions between cars and wildlife.

Another deer killed on local highway

For the third time this year, a deer has been killed on a local highway. Motorists are urged to be vigilant as deer attempt to cross the roadways. The most recent accident occurred on Sunday evening when a deer was hit by a car on Highway 101.

Since the beginning of the year, there have been at least nine accidents involving deer in our area. While motorists are encouraged to use caution when driving, it is also important for them to be aware that deer can suddenly appear on the roadway. In fact, it is estimated that there are over 1 million deer-related accidents each year in the United States.

While fatalities are not common, they do occur. In addition to being injured in accidents, motorists can also damage their vehicles if they hit a deer. So far this year, there have been over $10,000 worth of damages reported in our area as a result of collisions with deer.

In order to avoid hitting a deer, motorists should:

  • Stay alert while driving, especially during dusk and dawn when deer are most active;

  • Use high beams when possible;

  • Slow down if you see one or more deer near or crossing the road; and

  • Never try to swerve to avoid hitting a deer - you could lose control of your vehicle and end up in even more danger.

Deer becoming more and more common in suburbs

It's not unusual to spot a deer in a rural area, but their population is steadily increasing in suburban neighborhoods across the country. In fact, according to the National Wildlife Federation, deer populations have exploded in the past few decades; as of 2015, there were an estimated 30 million white-tailed deer living in the U.S.

There are many reasons for this population boom, including hunting restrictions and loss of habitat. And while deer may seem harmless and "cute," they can actually be quite dangerous when they wander into populated areas.

Deer are known for their powerful legs and sharp hooves, which can cause serious injury to people and pets. They can also damage cars and homes by rubbing up against them or jumping onto them.

In order to reduce the risk of collision with deer, it's important to be aware of their movements and take precautions when driving or walking in areas where they are common. Here are a few tips:

  • Always be aware of your surroundings when driving, especially at dusk and dawn when deer are most active. Use caution when turning or braking, and make sure to use your high beams if there is another vehicle around you.

  • If you see a deer on or near the road, slow down and give it plenty of room. Do not try to scare it off; you could end up hitting it instead.

  • When hiking or walking in areas where deer are common, make lots of noise so you don't startle them. Try to avoid walking through dense vegetation where they might be hiding.

  • Keep pet dogs on leashes when outside, and never let them chase or attack deer - even if the animals seem unafraid. Not only could your pet get hurt, but you could also unintentionally help lead a deer closer to populated areas.

Deer cause traffic accidents as they dart across the road.2. Hunters bag deer during the opening weekend of rifle season.3. A deer carcass was found near a popular hiking trail.4. Deer damage gardens and crops as they forage for food.5. Lyme disease is on the rise, as deer carry the disease-carrying ticks.

Deer cause traffic accidents as they dart across the road.2. Hunters bag deer during the opening weekend of rifle season.3. A deer carcass was found near a popular hiking trail.4. Deer damage gardens and crops as they forage for food.5. Lyme disease is on the rise, as deer carry the disease-carrying ticks.

The deer population in the United States is booming, and with that comes increased interactions between deer and humans. While deer are generally considered beautiful and graceful creatures, they can also be a nuisance and a danger.

Deer cause traffic accidents as they dart across the road. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, over 1 million car accidents each year are caused by animals, and deer are the animals most commonly involved in these accidents. In fact, in 2017 there were over 1.5 million reported collisions between deer and vehicles, resulting in over $1 billion in damages.

Hunters bag deer during the opening weekend of rifle season. Traditionally the opening weekend of rifle season – typically in November – is when hunters take aim at white-tailed deer. In 2017, over 1 million deer were harvested during the hunting seasons. The vast majority of these, some 960,000, were killed with firearms during the general rifle season.

A deer carcass was found near a popular hiking trail. Recently a dead deer was discovered near a popular hiking trail in upstate New York. The carcass was reportedly in an advanced state of decomposition, but it's possible that it had been there for months or even years. Hikers were advised to use caution when traversing the area as diseases such as Lyme disease can be transmitted by infected ticks that may be present on or near the carcass.

Deer damage gardens and crops as they forage for food. Deer are notorious for raiding gardens and crops as they forage for food. They will eat just about anything, but prefer succulent plants like hostas, roses, day lilies, and raspberries. Damage from deer can be quite costly; one study estimated that crop damage from deer across the United States amounted to $1 billion annually.

Thứ Ba, 3 tháng 5, 2022

Illinois woman finds deer in living room

Illinois woman finds deer in living room

An Illinois woman was quite surprised to find a deer in her living room on Monday morning.

The deer had apparently broken into the home through a window.

The woman called the police, who arrived and tranquilized the deer before taking it away.

It's not clear how the deer got into the home, but officials say it probably climbed in through a window that was left open.

Deer crashes through window of New Jersey home

Deer crashes through window of New Jersey home

Move over burglars – deer are the new threat to homeowners in one New Jersey town.

A buck crashed through a window of a home in Point Pleasant on Monday, sending glass flying and startling the homeowner.

"I was just sitting here and I heard this loud noise and then all of the sudden my living room was just filled with glass," homeowner Lou Manzo told WABC-TV. "And then I saw the deer just standing there."

The incident unfolded at about 5:30 p.m. on Deerpath Road when the buck crashed into the front window, according to authorities. The animal then ran back out the way it came in and took off into the woods.

Fortunately, Manzo wasn't hurt in the incident, but he said his living room is a mess. Shards of glass were scattered everywhere and his furniture was damaged. He also has a big repair bill to deal with.

This isn't the first time that a deer has caused problems in Point Pleasant. In December, another buck smashed through a car windshield while being pursued by police officers.

Deer jumps through sunroof of car in Pennsylvania

Deer jumps through sunroof of car in Pennsylvania

A family on their way to a Penn State football game got quite the surprise Saturday when a deer crashed through the sunroof of their car.

The Bleacher Report reports that the bizarre incident occurred around 8:30 a.m. as the family traveled on Route 322 near Boalsburg.

The animal crashed into the windshield and then lept through the sunroof, landing inside the car.

"I screamed," said Courtney Carpenter Rodenbaugh, who was driving the car with her husband and two young children. "I thought for sure we were going to die."

Fortunately, no one was injured in the incident and the deer eventually ran off into a nearby field.

Deer runs through traffic on busy Chicago street

CHICAGO, IL - A deer ran through traffic on a busy Chicago street Wednesday morning, startling drivers and passengers.

The animal was seen running north on Clark Street, near Fullerton Avenue, around 10:30 a.m.

Chicago police officers, who were called to the scene, unsuccessfully attempted to corral the deer. It continued running north on Clark before turning east on Webster Avenue and out of view.

Deer runs through traffic on busy Chicago street

Deer found eating flowers in resident's front yard

For one homeowner in [city], it was quite the surprise to see a deer eating flowers right in their front yard. "I had never seen anything like that before," said homeowner [name], who quickly grabbed his phone to snap some pictures of the unusual sight.

[Name] says that the deer seemed to be enjoying the flowers, and that it stayed around for a good fifteen minutes or so before finally wandering off. "It was really cool to see," he remarked.

Since deer can sometimes be destructive when they wander into residential areas, [name] was relieved that this one didn't cause any damage. In fact, he joked that "maybe the deer was just trying to be helpful and rake up all the leaves!"

Beef Balls Soup Recipe – The Perfect Comfort Food!

Beef Balls Soup Recipe – The Perfect Comfort Food!

Do you need an easy and delicious soup recipe that will comfort you and your family? Look no further than this beef balls soup recipe! Not only is it simple to make, but it is also very tasty.

To start, you will need some ground beef. Be sure to choose a high-quality meat, as this will be the star of the show.

In a large pot, brown the beef over medium heat until it is cooked through. Drain any excess fat and set the beef aside.

Next, add in some chopped onion, celery, and carrots. Sauté these vegetables until they are softened, then add in the beef broth and Worcestershire sauce.

Bring the soup to a simmer and add in the cooked beef balls. Let the soup simmer for another 10 minutes or so before serving.

This delicious beef balls soup recipe is perfect for warming up on a cold day! Be sure to give it a try the next time you need something comforting.

A Hearty Beef Ball Soup That's Sure to Warm You Up!

There's nothing like a nice hot bowl of beef ball soup on a cold day to warm you up! This recipe is hearty and flavorful, and best of all, it's easy to make.


  • 1 pound ground beef

  • 2 cups beef broth

  • 1 onion, diced

  • 3 carrots, peeled and diced

  • 3 celery stalks, diced

  • 1 bay leaf

  • 1 tablespoon tomato paste

  • 1 teaspoon dried thyme leaves

  • Salt and pepper, to taste


  1. In a large soup pot over medium heat, cook the ground beef until browned. Drain any excess fat.

  2. Add the beef broth, onion, carrots, celery, bay leaf, tomato paste, thyme, salt and pepper to the pot. Bring to a boil and simmer for about 30 minutes, or until the vegetables are tender.

  3. Discard the bay leaf and serve the soup hot with some fresh crusty bread on the side. Enjoy!

Beef Ball Soup – The Perfect Meal for a Cold Winter Day!

When the winter chill sets in, nothing beats a big bowl of hot beef ball soup to help warm you up from the inside out! This delicious and comforting soup is easy to make and can be customized to your liking.

For the soup base, you will need:

1 pound ground beef

1 small onion, chopped

3 cloves garlic, minced

1 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon black pepper

1 (14.5 ounce) can diced tomatoes, undrained A pinch of cayenne pepper (optional)

To make the beef balls, you will need:

1 pound ground beef 1 small onion, chopped3 cloves garlic, minced1 teaspoon salt1/2 teaspoon black pepper1 (14.5 ounce) can diced tomatoes, undrainedA pinch of cayenne pepper (optional) 1 egg, beaten2 tablespoons bread crumbs or panko bread crumbs1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce


In a large pot over medium heat, cook the ground beef, onion, garlic, salt and black pepper until browned. Drain any excess fat and stir in the tomatoes and cayenne pepper (if using). Bring to a simmer. In a medium bowl, mix together the egg, bread crumbs and Worcestershire sauce. Mix well and form into small balls. Add the beef balls to the soup and simmer for 10-15 minutes or until cooked through. Serve hot with some crusty bread for dipping. Enjoy!

Beef Balls Soup – The Perfect Meal for a Relaxing Evening at Home!

Is there anything more comforting than a warm bowl of soup on a cold winter evening? This beef balls soup is not only hearty and delicious, but it's also incredibly easy to make!

The star of this soup is, of course, the beef balls. These little guys are made from ground beef, bread crumbs, onion, salt, and pepper. They're simmered in a broth of your choice until cooked through, then added to the soup.

If you're looking for a tasty and filling meal that will keep you warm all night long, look no further than this beef balls soup!

Beef Balls Soup – A Delicious and Nutritious Meal

Soup is a versatile dish that can be made with a variety of ingredients. This beef balls soup is hearty, nutritious, and delicious.


1 pound ground beef

1 small onion, diced

3 carrots, peeled and diced

3 celery stalks, diced

3 tablespoons olive oil, divided

2 garlic cloves, minced

2 quarts chicken or beef broth

1 teaspoon dried thyme leaves

1 bay leaf 000] Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

ikzoomzbg zucchini, diced[/caption]0000]Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste Instructions: In a large pot or Dutch oven over medium heat, cook the ground beef and onions until the beef is browned and the onions are translucent. Drain any excess fat. Add the carrots, celery, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, garlic, chicken or beef broth, thyme leaves, bay leaf, salt and pepper to the pot. Simmer for 30 minutes to allow the flavors to blend. Discard the bay leaf before serving. Serve in individual bowls and top with some chopped fresh parsley if desired. Enjoy!

Chủ Nhật, 1 tháng 5, 2022

Deer cause 1,500 car accidents every year

Deer cause 1,500 car accidents every year

Deer cause 1,500 car accidents every year. While this may seem like a small number, it's actually a greater population of deer-vehicle collisions than any other animal. In fact, there are more collisions involving deer than there are those involving cars and motorcycles combined!

What can you do to protect yourself from deer while driving? One thing you can do is be extra alert in the fall and winter months, when deer are most active. Another is to be aware of the signs that deer may be present on or near the road. These include:

-A herd of deer crossing the road

-Deer standing near the edge of the road

-Deer carcasses on or near the road

If you see any of these signs, use extreme caution and be prepared to stop quickly. Also, remember that deer travel in packs, so if you see one deer near the road, there's a good chance others are close by.

If you do hit a deer while driving, stay calm and follow these steps:

1) Stop your car as quickly and safely as possible. Do not try to go around the deer – it may still be alive and could end up causing further damage to your car.

2) Turn on your hazard lights. This will make your vehicle more visible to other drivers.

3) If possible, move your car off the road. If you can't move it, turn on your flashers to warn other drivers.

4) Call 911 if anyone is injured or if there is significant damage to your car. Be sure to give them your location and let them know if there are any animals still on or near the road.

Bambi effect: Deer populations on the rise

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) reports an explosion in deer populations throughout the state, a phenomenon they've dubbed the "Bambi effect."

The population of white-tailed deer in Wisconsin has exploded to over 1 million, up from just over 300,000 in the early 2000s. The DNR says the increase is due to a reduction in hunting pressure, mild winters and good habitat conditions.

Rick Vojtik, a deer ecologist with the DNR, says the increase is causing problems for farmers and homeowners. "Deer are eating crops and damaging landscapes," he said. "And they are being hit by cars more often as they move into suburban and urban areas."

Vojtik said the deer population will have to be stabilized through regulated hunting to prevent further damage to crops and landscapes.

Deer darting in front of cars: A leading cause of accidents

Deer darting in front of cars is a common cause of accidents, especially during the fall when deer are mating. Many drivers aren't familiar with how to react when they encounter a deer in the road.

According to the Insurance Information Institute, there are around 1.5 million car accidents involving deer every year in the United States. This results in about 150 deaths and $1.1 billion in vehicle damage.

The best way to avoid an accident is to be aware of your surroundings and be prepared for the unexpected. When you see a deer on or near the road, slow down and use caution. If you can't avoid hitting the deer, try to hit it in the shoulder rather than the head or neck.

If you do hit a deer, stay calm and call the police. Don't try to move the deer yourself - you could get injured. And remember, if your car is damaged in an accident with a deer, always contact your insurance company.

How to avoid deer collisions this fall

The fall season is one of the most beautiful times of year, but it's also a time when motorists need to be extra careful on the road. That's because deer are on the move, and they can often be unpredictable.

If you know how to look out for deer and take some preventative steps, you can hopefully avoid a collision with these animals. Here are some tips:

  • Be especially aware at dusk and dawn, when deer are most active.

  • Use high beams when possible, as this will help you see deer sooner.

  • Keep an eye out for areas where deer might cross the road – these include forest edges, agricultural land, and power line right-of-ways.

  • If you see a deer in your headlights, slow down and give yourself plenty of time to stop. Don't swerve to avoid it – this could actually cause an accident.

If you do hit a deer, here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Pull off the road as far as possible and turn on your hazard lights.

  • Call 911 if there is any damage or injury. Do not move the deer if it is injured.

  • Take photos of the scene and the deer if possible. This can help authorities determine what happened.

Deer are literally running into trouble

In parts of the country, deer are literally running into trouble.

The problem? They're running into cars.

According to a study published in the journal "PLoS One," vehicle-deer collisions have increased in recent years as deer populations have boomed. In Virginia, for example, the number of reported collisions more than doubled between 1995 and 2007.

And it's not just a problem in Virginia. Across the United States, an estimated 1.5 million vehicle-deer collisions occur each year, resulting in about 200 deaths and tens of thousands of injuries.

So what's causing all these accidents?

There are a few factors at work here. For one, deer populations have been growing in many parts of the country as habitats have been expanding and hunting regulations have been loosening. And as deer populations have grown, so too has the amount of time that drivers are spending on roads where deer are likely to be present.

But something else is going on too. With so many people moving to suburbs and rural areas, we're increasingly coming into contact with these animals — sometimes with deadly consequences. As one expert put it: "The increasing number of people living near forested areas and interacting closely with deer is probably exacerbating the problem."

Still, there are ways to reduce your chances of hitting a deer while driving. For starters, always be alert for deer when you're driving, particularly during dusk and dawn when they're most active. If you see one on or near the road, slow down and give it plenty of room; don't swerve to avoid it unless you have to because you might end up hitting something else. Finally, use caution when driving through areas where deer are known to be common — like forests or rural areas — especially if it's dark outside.

Deer found wandering around NYC

Deer found wandering around NYC A deer was spotted early Monday morning wandering around in the middle of the street in the Bronx borough ...