Chủ Nhật, 5 tháng 6, 2022

Deer found wandering around NYC

Deer found wandering around NYC

A deer was spotted early Monday morning wandering around in the middle of the street in the Bronx borough of New York City. The NYPD successfully captured the deer and put it into an animal shelter.

Locals were amused and surprised by the sight of a deer calmly walking around in one of the most populated areas in the world. Some passersby even attempted to pet or feed the deer before police arrived on the scene.

Animal experts believe that the deer may have been fleeing from a coyote or another predator and got lost while trying to find its way home. It's not uncommon for deer to sometimes stray away from their natural habitats, but it is definitely rare to see one so close to downtown Manhattan.

The NYPD contacted officials at a nearby animal shelter, who arrived promptly to pick up the deer. Officials say that they will release the deer back into its natural habitat as soon as possible.

Deer cause traffic jam on the interstate

Deer cause traffic jam on the interstate and drivers were forced to slow down to avoid hitting the animals. The herd was spotted on I-64 westbound near the Settlers Rest exit in Albemarle County.

Vickie Gray and her husband were driving home from visiting their daughter in Richmond when they saw the deer. "I told my husband, 'You're going to hit one of those things,'" said Gray. "Sure enough, a few seconds later, a deer ran out in front of us."

The Grays were not the only ones who had to take evasive action. Several other cars also had to brake hard to avoid hitting the deer. Traffic was backed up for about a mile as a result.

Wildlife officials say this is not an unusual occurrence. "We do have quite a bit of deer activity this time of year," said Lee Walker, district wildlife biologist with Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries (VDGIF).

Walker said motorists should be alert for deer, especially during morning and evening hours when they are most active. He urged drivers to use caution when traveling through areas that are known to have a lot of deer, and to always wear their seat belts.

In addition, he said people should be sure to drive at a safe speed for the conditions and keep their eyes on the road, not on distractions such as cell phones or GPS devices. "If you see one deer, there's probably more around," Walker cautioned.

The advice seems to have worked for Gray who avoided hitting the deer. "I'm just glad I didn't hit it," she said. "It would have been messy."

Deer wander into bank, cause panic

There was a panic at a bank in the city yesterday morning when a deer wandered in through the doors.

The deer caused quite a stir, as people were worried that it would cause damage or get injured. However, it eventually wandered back out the way it came in and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

It's not clear how the deer got into the bank in the first place, but it provided an unexpected surprise for everyone who was there.

Deer break into liquor store, get drunk

On the morning of October 1, a group of deer entered a liquor store in Orangeville, got drunk, and then caused $5,000 in damages.

The deer had reportedly been seen around the store for several days prior to the break-in, and it's believed that they were attracted by the smell of alcohol.

The animals caused extensive damage to the store, smashing bottles and overturning shelves. They also ate some of the liquor, getting drunk in the process.

Police were called to the scene, and they eventually managed to herd the deer out of the store. However, not before they had caused significant damage.

The incident is a reminder of how irresponsible it is to leave alcohol accessible to animals. It's not clear how the deer were able to get into the store, but it's likely that they climbed through a window or broken door.

Liquor stores should be properly secured against animals like deer, who are known to be attracted to alcohol. If they aren't, it's only a matter of time before another such incident occurs.

Deer run wild through supermarket

It was pandemonium in the supermarket. A herd of deer had run wild through the aisles, trampling displays and scattering groceries.

Customers screamed and scattered in every direction. Some were lucky enough to make it out the door, but others were trampled in the stampede.

Store employees tried to corral the deer, but they were too fast and agile. They eluded capture and continued wreaking havoc throughout the store.

Finally, when it appeared that the deer would continue running amok indefinitely, they simply disappeared through an open door.

The whole incident lasted only a few minutes, but it was long enough for customers to panic and for store employees to run for their lives.

In the end, there was considerable damage done to the store, but no serious injuries were reported. The police were called to investigate, but they have not yet released any information about what may have caused the deer to run wild through the supermarket.

Thứ Bảy, 4 tháng 6, 2022

Deer cause more car accidents than you think!

Deer cause more car accidents than you think!

Motorists in the United States hit deer more than 1.5 million times a year, resulting in about 200 fatalities, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.

Pennsylvania is among the states with the highest rates of deer-involved collisions. In 2015, there were over 24,000 such crashes in Pennsylvania, according to PennDOT. That's an increase of over 1,000 from the previous year.

While deer may appear peaceful and innocent creatures crossing the road, they can cause some serious damage when they collide with a car. So much so that many states have instituted hefty fines for motorists who strike deer.

In Pennsylvania, the minimum fine for hitting a deer is $500. If you hit and kill a deer, that minimum fine jumps up to $1,000. The state also imposes a surcharge of $200 on motorists convicted of hitting a deer.

Fines aren't the only consequence of hitting a deer. There's also the cost of repairs to your car. Deer-related accidents often result in significant damage to vehicles – especially if the animal is hit head-on.

So how can you avoid hitting a deer? There are a few things motorists can do to decrease their chances of having an encounter with these animals:

  • Be especially alert at dusk and dawn when deer are most active.

  • Use high beams when possible – they can help you see farther ahead and better identify any potential hazards on the road, including deer.

  • If you see one deer, there may be others nearby so slow down and be prepared to stop if necessary.

Deer are seriously misunderstood ungulates.3. Why do deer love to hang out near highways?

Deer are attracted to areas near highways because of the salt residue on the pavement. This mineral is essential for deer, as they require it for both their diet and health. The salt attracts the deer to the area, and they will often linger near highways in order to consume as much as possible.

4. A bumper crop of deer in the suburbs!

As residents of the suburbs, we are used to seeing deer wander through our neighborhoods. But this year, we seem to be seeing more deer than ever before! What could be causing this influx of deer in our community?

There are a few possible explanations for the bumper crop of deer in our neck of the woods. One possibility is that the deer are fleeing from hunting pressure in other parts of the state. Another possibility is that the warmer-than-average temperatures this winter have led to an increase in the deer population. Whatever the reason, it's clear that the deer are here to stay – so we might as well get used to them!

If you find yourself in close proximity to a deer, it's important to remember two key things: first, never approach a deer; and second, always give them plenty of space. Deer are skittish by nature, and if you get too close they may feel threatened and run away – or worse, they may attack.

Luckily, there are ways to avoid conflicts with deer even if you live in a neighborhood where they are prevalent. One easy way is to install motion-activated lighting around your property; this will help deter the deer from coming too close. You can also try planting plants that the deer dislike such as lavender, rue, rosemary, or garlic; alternatively, you can fence off your garden to keep the deer out altogether.

In short, it seems that we're going to be seeing more and more deer in our suburbs over the next few months. So take some time to learn about these beautiful animals – and be sure to take all necessary precautions when living near them!

5. 10 fun facts about deer

  1. The white-tailed deer is the smallest member of the deer family, weighing in at around 90 pounds.

  2. While they are small, they are incredibly fast, capable of reaching speeds of up to 45 miles per hour.

  3. Deer can jump up to 10 feet high and cover distances of up to 30 feet in a single bound.

  4. Contrary to popular belief, deer can see well in the dark - their eyes are specially adapted to allow them to see clearly at night.

  5. Deer have great hearing, and can sense movement from as far away as 500 yards.

  6. They also have an excellent sense of smell, which allows them to detect predators from long distances.

  7. Female deer (called does) typically give birth to two fawns (baby deer) at a time.

  8. Fawns are basically helpless when they are born - they can't even walk for the first few weeks of their life!

  9. Deer grow new antlers each year, which start out as bony protrusions on their skull and then slowly grow into branched antlers over the course of several months.

  10. bucks (male deer) use their antlers for fighting other bucks during the mating season; the larger and more impressive the antlers, the more successful a buck is likely to be with females

Thứ Năm, 2 tháng 6, 2022

Deer population explodes in North America!

Deer population explodes in North America!

The deer population has exploded in North America in recent years, and with it the problems associated with such an increase. Lyme disease, car accidents, and destruction of crops are just a few of the issues that have arisen. What can be done to manage the deer population in a way that is both humane and effective?

One solution that has been proposed is hunting. hunter numbers have increased in recent years, but the deer population continues to grow. This may be due in part to the fact that hunting is not allowed in all states, and also because it is seen as a cruel practice by some.

Another solution is contraception. This has been shown to be effective in small populations, but is not currently feasible on a large scale. It would require capturing every deer, identifying their sex, administering the contraception, and then releasing them back into the wild.

A final solution that has been suggested is wildlife management. This includes things like fencing off areas where crops are vulnerable to deer damage, hiring professionals to herd deer away from populated areas, and using repellents to keep them away from certain areas. While this approach can be effective, it is also expensive and time consuming.

So what is the best solution for managing the exploding deer population? That remains to be seen, but each approach has its own advantages and disadvantages that must be considered.

Deer becoming a major problem for drivers!

Deer are becoming a major problem for drivers in many parts of the United States. They are frequently seen crossing roads, and when they do, they can cause considerable damage to vehicles. In some cases, they have even caused fatalities.

There are a number of things that drivers can do to try to avoid striking deer. One is to be aware of the areas where they are most likely to be found. These tend to be in rural areas and near forests. Drivers should also use caution when travelling at night, when deer are harder to see.

If a driver does strike a deer, it is important to remain calm and take appropriate action. First, determine if anyone in the vehicle has been injured. If so, summon medical assistance immediately. Next, check to see if the deer is still alive. If it is, try to move it off the road if it is safe to do so. If it is not safe, or if the deer is dead, call the police or highway patrol.


Study shows deer cause more than $1 billion in damage each year!

Do you know that deer cause more than $1 billion in damage each year? You might be surprised to learn that deer are one of the most significant contributors to agricultural damage in the United States.

An interesting study by The Cornell University found that deer damage to agricultural crops costs farmers more than $1 billion annually. About three-quarters of this cost is borne by fruit and vegetable growers, while the rest is incurred by livestock producers. The majority of damages, about 60 percent, occur during the late summer and early fall when crops are most vulnerable.

In addition to direct economic losses, deer also transmit parasites and diseases to livestock and wildlife. For example, Lyme disease, which is transmitted by ticks that attach themselves to deer, has been on the rise in recent years. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 300,000 Americans are diagnosed with Lyme disease each year, many of whom contract it from deer ticks.

Clearly, deer pose a significant threat to our agricultural sector and economy as a whole. What can we do to mitigate these damages? Farmers and landowners should take steps to protect their crops from deer damage including installing fencing and using scare tactics such as noises or smell deterrents. In addition, drivers should be cautious when travelling in areas known to have a high concentration of deer and take measures to avoid collisions.

Are deer in your area becoming a nuisance?

The deer population in many areas has exploded in recent years. This can be a nuisance for people who live in those areas, since deer can damage gardens and landscaping, and may even cause car accidents. If you are having problems with deer in your area, there are some things you can do to try to control their population.

One thing you can do is to install fencing around your property that will help keep the deer out. You can also plant plants that the deer don't like to eat, or that are poisonous to them. Some people use repellents to keep the deer away, and there are also devices that can be used to scare the deer off your property.

If all of these methods fail, you may have to consider hunting the deer yourself or hiring a professional hunter to do it for you. The most important thing is to find a method that will work for you and your situation.

Deer hunting season is coming - are you ready?

The days are getting shorter, the leaves are changing color and deer hunting season is just around the corner. For many people, this time of year is a cause for excitement. After all, who doesn't love spending time outdoors in the crisp autumn air, surrounded by beautiful scenery and enjoying some good old-fashioned hunting?

If you're new to deer hunting, or if you're just looking to brush up on your skills, you've come to the right place. In this article, we'll provide some tips on how to get ready for deer hunting season - and we'll also take a look at some of the most popular hunting methods. So read on to learn more!

Getting prepared

One of the most important things you can do to prepare for deer hunting season is to make sure you have the right gear. This includes everything from your clothing and boots to your rifle and ammunition.

In particular, it's important to make sure your clothing is appropriate for the weather conditions. You'll want to dress in layers so that you can adjust as needed, and be sure to bring along a warm coat, hat and gloves. It's also important to wear bright colors so that you can be seen by other hunters - after all, safety should always be your top priority.

As for your rifle, it's important to choose one that's suitable for your shooting style and level of experience. If you're a beginner, opt for a simple bolt-action rifle with a scope. And be sure to practice with your rifle before heading out into the field - this will help ensure that you're able to take accurate shots when it counts.

The different types of deer hunting

There are many different ways to hunt deer, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Let's take a look at some of the most popular methods:

1) Bowhunting: This is arguably the most challenging way to hunt deer, as it requires precision and accuracy. Bowhunters must be able to accurately shoot arrows from long distances, often while moving through difficult terrain. However, bowhunting can also be quite rewarding, as it offers ample opportunity for stealthy stalking and close-range shots.

2) Venison hunting: This type of hunting involves stalking deer in open country until an opportunity arises to take a shot. Venison hunters often use rifles or shotguns loaded with buckshot or slugs. This method can be both challenging and exciting, but it requires patience and a great deal of skill.

3) Spot-and-stalk hunting: This is another popular method employed by venison hunters. It involves carefully scouting an area for signs of deer activity before attempting to stalk within range for a shot. This type of hunt typically takes place in open fields or meadows where visibility is good and there is plenty of cover available for ambushing bucks.

Deer found wandering around NYC

Deer found wandering around NYC A deer was spotted early Monday morning wandering around in the middle of the street in the Bronx borough ...